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Our competitive edge, from contact to delivery.

BSA has developed a quality control system we call ‘Total Involvement’.

We have held ISO certification since 1997. We consider quality control to be a cultural issue, not a manufacturing requirement. This can be seen in everything we do, from quality control to the cleanliness in our factory, to the pride our team has in maintaining ‘Total Involvement’.

Similar to the Japanese TQM system, everyone in the company is involved and we train every person to become familiar with each product we are producing.

Each moulding project is checked every 1.5 hours by a rotating group of staff members, over and above our machine operation team. This ensures that quality is maintained and a new set of eyes sees each project on a regular basis. We believe that this system of checking and double checking is unique in our industry.

Quality is also embedded in our customer service and our attitude to our staff and suppliers. For us, quality is all about achieving higher results than you expect and ensuring continued improvement every day.

Design And Tooling